K10 Student Tour With The Community | TENTH COLLEGE
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K10 Student Tour with the Community

MOSQUE OF TELOK KEMANG, PORT DICKSON, AND INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE AQUACULTURE AND AQUATIC SCIENCE (i-Aquas), UPM, 29 OCTOBER 2022 -  College’s Representative Council (MPK) of Tenth College session 2022/2023 had organized a programme, Exploration of K10 Students Together with the Community on 29 October 2022 (Saturday). This programme was successfully implemented from 7:30 am to 10:30 pm by receiving active participation with 64 participants consisting of 21 males and 18 females from MPK session 2020/2021, MPK session 2021/2022, Felo and Management of Tenth College. The objectives of this event had been successfully achieved that aimed to provide participants the chance to contribute to the community in addition to appreciating all the efforts and cooperation that had been given by the MPK, particularly for MPK session 2020/2021 and MPK session 2021/2022.

This programme initially started with an activity of gotong-royong at the Telok Kemang Kariah Mosque Cemetery, Port Dickson by the participants. The presence of the participants was warmly welcomed by the representatives of the Mosque, Mr. Mustazar and Mr. Tajuddin. The gotong-royong activity consumed two (2) hours starting from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm. After that, every participant was invited to the Mosque for lunch. The next activity was held at i-Aquas, which is Friendly Gathering With Alumni Slot and the invited guest which is Mrs. Aida Fitri Binti Peli, who is also the Former President of the UPM Student Representative Council (MPP) as well as the Alumni of Tenth College. A lot of different sharing of experiences was shared and this sharing could help inspire the participants.

Then, the telematch took place shortly after the Gathering Friendly With Alumni Slot ended at 3.30 pm. This activity usually consists of two (2) games that are commonly played which is to find the sweets in flour and water balloons. The purpose of this activity is to strengthen the relationship between the participants so that the Ukhuwah relationship built is sustainable. In the afternoon, plogging activity was held around the beach. Activities continued with the preparation of the Appreciation Ceremony of Tenth College 2022 which is the preparation of places, foods, gifts, and so on. Barbeque activity was the main focus for the evening activity where there was a variety of foods prepared including barbecue chicken as well as sausages. 

Last but not least, the Appreciation Ceremony of Tenth College 2022 was successfully implemented at i-Aquas with the cooperation of all the parties. One of the purposes of this ceremony is as a token of appreciation to all the MPK Session 2020/2021 and session 2021/2022 for the contribution of service and devotion that had been put in through the responsibility of MPK. Besides, the former fellows who were celebrating at the night were appreciated with their participation too. Among the activities carried out during the ceremony were speeches of MPK session 2020/2021, MPK session 2021/2022, Programme Director and Principal of Ten College, a souvenir presentation session to MPK representatives and alumni present as well as a gift exchange event. 

In short, the program was successfully held with the assistance and cooperation of all parties. A postmortem was conducted to identify the improvements that could be made throughout the program. The organization hoped that this program can be continued and improved to ensure that the brotherhood can last longer.

Date of Input: 08/11/2022 | Updated: 27/11/2022 | rahiza


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